Trouble Aboard

“When a gentle southerly breeze came up, they weighed anchor, thinking it would be smooth sailing. But they were no sooner out to sea than a gale-force wind, the infamous nor’ easter, struck. They lost all control of the ship. It was a cork in the storm.” —Acts...

The House God Builds

I read a story of a carpenter who told his boss he was ready to retire and spend time with his wife and family. His boss was saddened because this man had been a good, reliable employee for many years. He asked the carpenter if he would do him a favor and build one...

Mirror Mirror on the Wall

A few weeks ago, a female cardinal began attacking her reflection in the glass of one of our porch doors. She would come several times daily, sit on our table umbrella, and throw herself repeatedly against the window. Next, she’d hop onto the door handle and peck the...

The Good Part

“Clocks were created to make us the stewards of our time but sometimes end up making us nervous.” –Calvin Miller An Irish proverb asserts, “When God made time, he made plenty of it.” Still, the incessant ticking of the clock as I write my first 2023 Hub devotion...

Room at the Table Book Release

Room at the Table: Encouraging Stories from Special Needs Families released November 1, 2022. This anthology was conceived in my heart unexpectedly one night as I watched an online PJNET.TV interview hosted by Mark Prasek. While watching author Stephanie Pavlantos...

Morning’s Glory

From the window, I saw one white morning glory in a scrubby cedar tree at the edge of our yard. One. Only one. But one was enough to get my attention. Hours later, the bloom was gone, but the power of its solo performance lingered. The morning glory’s presence was a...

Simply as I see it

The Red Stool 1

The Red Stool 1

This stool has been in our garage for 12+ years. I’d forgotten we had it. My husband salvaged it from my aunt’s estate. For some reason my eyes landed on it yesterday when we pulled into the garage after church. It was as if I’d never seen it. From its dark and very...

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Maggie Wallem Rowe

Maggie Wallem Rowe

Debut non-fiction author, Maggie Wallem Rowe is a transplanted Illinois farmgirl, who has adapted well to the South’s laid-back lifestyle and it's rich southern soil. Now nestled in the foothills of North Carolina’s Great Smokey Mountains, she and her husband...

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Patricia Lee

Patricia Lee

Contemporary Romance author, Patricia Lee, was born in Eugene, Oregon. Today, she lives just across the Willamette River in Springfield. Her early fascination with words began when she learned how sentences worked together, and she wrote her first short...

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Cynthia Herron

Cynthia Herron

Award-winning, contemporary romance author Cynthia Herron is an Ozark mountain girl, born and bred. Therefore, it's no surprise that the characters in her novels have found a home there too.  In her formative years, numerous teachers fostered and encouraged her...

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Miralee Ferrell

Miralee Ferrell

Washington native Miralee Ferrell lives right across the Columbia river from her birth place in Hood River. Today, this avid horse and nature lover lives in picturesque White Salmon, Washington with her husband, a couple of cats, sixteen chickens, and her ever-present...

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R Marshall Wright

R Marshall Wright

Author R. Marshall Wright lives to serve, and his 73 years reflect a life of service to God, country, and his fellowman.  Born in Haverhill, Massachusetts, he graduated from of the University of Maine and Drew Theological School in Madison. After...

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Debra Dupree Williams

Debra Dupree Williams

The roots of North Carolina southern fiction author, Debra Dupree Williams, sink deep in the heart of Alabama soil. Born in Dothan, she grew up in “the best place ever, Andalusia,” so it should come as no surprise that her debut novel is a genealogical...

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For the Love of Emma Cover Reveal

For the Love of Emma Cover Reveal

When CAROLINE MYERS discovers a box of letters in her deceased mother's trunk, she's captivated by the romance that unfolds between her mother, Emma Rose Walsh, a nineteen year old waitress and Noah Anderson, a handsome young soldier. Determined to read between the...

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Craig von Buseck

Craig von Buseck

When it comes to the arts, there isn’t much this transplanted Erie, Pennsylvania native hasn’t done. South Carolina author Craig von Buseck’s writing inspiration sprang from his early involvement in musical theater. As a youth, he wrote songs, newspaper opinion...

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For the Love of Emma

COMING SOON! from  Mountain Brook Ink Paperback: December 8, 2020​ ~ eBook: December 26, 2020 ◊◊◊◊◊ This compelling love story inspired by family letters  and set in the throes of the Great Depression​ portrays a young ...

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Rest Stop

Rest Stop

“The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’  So...

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Starr Ayers, Author
The Red Stool 1
Cover Reveal Announcement
Maggie Wallem Rowe
Patricia Lee
Cynthia Herron
Miralee Ferrell
R Marshall Wright
Debra Dupree Williams
For the Love of Emma Cover Reveal
Craig von Buseck
Rest Stop
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