Debut non-fiction author, Maggie Wallem Rowe is a transplanted Illinois farmgirl, who has adapted well to the South’s laid-back lifestyle and it’s rich southern soil. Now nestled in the foothills of North Carolina’s Great Smokey Mountains, she and her husband enjoy bluegrass, mountain dancing, and Bar-B-Que.

She’s had a number of interesting careers, including ten years of teaching speech at the university level, directing women’s ministries in New England’s six states, and working as a book publicist for a dozen years.

Her most unique job, however, was as a country-western DJ for a radio station outside of Boston in the late 70’s. “I was hired because I was a farmer’s kid (and I worked dirt-cheap.) We also lived through a few years when all five kids we raised were teenagers (emphasis on lived through).”

Maggie has loved to write since she was a child. Books were almost her entire world, and reading stories inspired her to write her own. “At eight, it was stories about fairies, at nine, animals, and at ten, I graduated to mysteries. My mom typed them up and submitted them to children’s magazines. None were ever published, but I received some nice rejection notes from the editors.”

Fast forward to her mid-sixties, when Maggie received her acceptance letter and added author to her list of careers. This past May, at nearly 67 years of age,  she released her first book, This Life We Share: Journeying Well with God and Others. with NavPress. She’d spent about 12 months actively writing her book’s 260 pages, but says, “In a very real sense, I’ve been writing this book my entire life.” From the time she signed her contract, until she’d leaf through the pages of her life’s work, it would be 2 ½ years.

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Publishers usually encourage authors to narrow the focus of their audience, but with Maggie’s book, they requested “a big waterfront.” This Life We Share is for women in every season of life. It speaks to those starting a career or entering assisted living, single or married, raising kids or “childfree.” It’s about paying attention to our mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It addresses caring for others and being cared for in return. Most importantly, This Life We Share is about loving God and receiving His unconditional love and fathomless grace.

Maggie is now writing her second book, which will release with Tyndale House in February 2022.

When asked what advice she would offer someone who is struggling with their first book, she said, “Attend a writers conference! More than one, if you can. They are invaluable for receiving advice, encourage, inspiration and networking.”

Maggie invites you to connect with her on her website at and to check out her book on her Amazon Author page.


“Maybe you’ve done the math of your life and all you see is division and subtraction, fractured relationships and lost opportunities. But God is the master of multiplication. You see what you lack; he works with what you have. What we surrender, he reproduces: time, energy, material resources.” —This Life We Share: Journeying Well with God and Others.




Today’s author worked for a radio station as a country-western DJ. “I was hired because I was a farmer’s kid, and I worked dirt-cheap.” Check out this week’s Author Snapshot and meet Maggie Wallem Rowe. Share on X

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