Coming . . .

Coming . . .

Hello, friends! The official release date for Emma’s Quest is April 5, 2022, but paperback preorders will begin shipping on or before March 22nd so get your order in early. Thank you for supporting me on this long journey. I can’t wait to see what lies...
Yes, Lord, Yes

Yes, Lord, Yes

The Lord had said to Abram,“Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.” —Genesis12:1, NIV As I watched a nest of sea turtles hatch, over one hundred little turtles emerged from the comfort...

Macro Moment #6

“The wilderness is where we are forced to leave behind the familiar, the comfortable, the past successes, the accomplishments, and the old bag of tricks that always worked before. The wilderness is where God takes us when He wants to get Egypt out of our...

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