Adria Wilkins

Adria Wilkins

Author Adria Wilkins, a Bowling Green, Kentucky preacher’s daughter, grew up to marry her Prince Charming, a Minister of Discipleship. They later moved to Woodbridge, Virginia where they lived happily-ever-after. At least that’s the story her contagious smile and...
Good Morning, Lord

Good Morning, Lord

“A journal is a place where we give expression to the fountain of our heart, where we can unreservedly pour out our passion before the Lord.” —Donald S. Whitney  “Now go and write down these words. Write them in a book. They will stand until the...


  ”For these are not my own ideas, but I have told you what the Father said to tell you.”   —John 12:49 NLT (You’re welcome to share this meme but please retain my...

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