Debut historical fiction author, Kimberly Duffy, born in Long Island, New York, now makes her home in Cincinnati by way of Pennsylvania and India. “I’ve been here twenty years, but I’m still a LI girl at heart, and it’ll always be home.”

At the early age of twelve, Kim could be found scribbling stories, and at fifteen, after reading A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers, knew she wanted to be a novelist. She credits a “wonderful” eleventh-grade creative writing teacher with telling her she was talented and encouraging her to make her dream a reality. “After winning both first and second prizes in my school’s literary contest, I knew I’d discovered what I wanted to do most in the world.” 

Kim has always loved learning about other cultures and finds the history, architecture, food, and social norms of other places fascinating. By the time she was eighteen, she’d visited the Ukraine and India.

It took her nine months to write her first book, “a crazy-long fantasy novel with enough plot holes to strain spaghetti. No, it’s not published and never will be,” but there is a book inspired by her travels you will not want to miss.

On May 5th, Bethany House Publishers released  A Mosaic of Wings,  a story of dreams and perceptions, told through the eyes of a woman who is nothing the world expects and everything God intends. (Tap image to order)

Kim says, ”I will always write books that touch on timeless issues. Human nature—our dreams, desires and struggles—doesn’t change just because years pass.”

When asked what advice she would give struggling writers, she said, “Just power through. Finish it. Remember that your first draft will almost always stink. You can edit. And you can write another one. I wouldn’t give up the experience of writing my first book (or my second or third) for anything, even though they’ll never see the light of day. I learned so much through the process.”

Currently, Kim works with an organization that teaches English to women and children rescued from sex trafficking in India and Nepal. (University courses in India are taught in English, one of the country’s official languages.) Also, related to this same social issue, she has a secret project in the works that she hopes to share more about soon.

As for her writing, she says, “I hope God uses my books to make people think, to help us imagine a world where we can affect change, to remember we’re meant to give of ourselves, our time, and our resources, and to consider that something we have to offer may be exactly what someone else needs.”

Kimberly invites you to connect with her on her website at and to check out her book on her  Amazon Author page. 


“Talent is abundant. Freely given. But it means nothing if you don’t work hard. Dedication and drive and grit is what will help you accomplish your goals. Without that, talent is pretty to look at, but ultimately useless.” —Kimberly Duffy




This week’s author used to be shy. When a teacher would call on her, she’d cry. She feared someone might notice her. Not anymore. Check out today’s Author Snapshot and notice Kimberly Duffy Share on X

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