Yes, Mr. Wolfe, you can go home again. Just ask multiple award-winning romantic suspense author, Sara Davison. After moving sixteen times, she returned to Guelph, Ontario, the place of her birth

Her desire to become an author began with a writing assignment centered around a fourth-grade class field trip. The article she wrote about the trip was chosen to be published in the school newsletter. “I can still remember how it felt to see my words in print and to know others were reading them. I knew then that was what I wanted to do with my life. I have a vivid memory of walking down the aisles of our public library, where I practically lived, running my hands along the spines of all the books and thinking about how all these people had written a book. It could be done, and I could do it too. From that moment, at the age of nine, my path was pretty well set.”

Years later, Sara wrote her first book. “The initial draft only took a few weeks, but I had no idea then what I didn’t know, so it was pretty bad. After several years of rewriting, revising, and polishing, The Watcher won a publishing contest and was published in 2011.”

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This past January, her sixth novel, the second in her Night Guardian Series, was released by Mountain Brook Ink. On February 1st, the eBook will be available. Guarded is a fast-paced, romantic suspense in which Detective Daniel Grey is determined to protect Nicole Kelly from whoever is sending her threatening items. However, the secret he has kept from her for seven years may prove to be the biggest threat of all.

When asked what advice she would give an aspiring author, Sara said, “I do a lot of mentoring of new writers through my editing business, and I always give them three pieces of advice. (1) Be teachable. As an editor, I can tell pretty much right away who is going to do well and who isn’t by how willing they are to listen to and take constructive criticism.  (2) If you believe in your story, never, ever give up on it. Don’t let rejections discourage you, but persevere until you can get your book into the right hands at the right time. And most importantly, (3) don’t measure success the way the world does. Trust that if God has given you something to write, He will make sure that whoever He wants to receive the message will receive it. Do your best to make it excellent, which honours Him, and to promote as much as time and resources allow, and then leave the results in His hands.”

Looking toward her future, Sara says, “While I try to take my own advice and not worry about sales numbers, awards, or acclaim for my work, I do have a deep desire, not to be famous, but to be read. I once saw a quote that said the writing process is a circle, and that the circle is not complete until the story is read. It clicked with me then that the desire to have my stories read comes from that place. So my hopes for the future consist of continuing to put out books that I am proud of and that others (it doesn’t matter how many) will read, and that as God speaks to them through my stories, their hearts and lives may be impacted in some way.”

Sara invites you to connect with her on her website at and to check out her books on her Amazon Author page. Her seventh book, Lost Down Deep, will release on April 1st.


“Christian fiction takes the principles laid out in non-fiction treatises and demonstrates how to live those principles out in reality. It shows, not just tells, what it looks like when faith is tested, when trials come that rock that faith, what we can cling to when our world comes crashing down around us. In short, Christian fiction offers hope that what is found in those theology books actually stands up in real life, through the grace of God.” —Sara Davison, “In Defense of Christian Fiction”, blog post.




The road to publication for today’s author began with a fourth-grade class field trip that resulted in her seeing her words in print. At nine years old, her path was set. Check out today’s Author Snapshot and meet Sara Davison. Share on X

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