Lynyrd Skynyrd’s ”Sweet Home Alabama” must have run on an endless loop in the background of award-winning author Ramona Richards’s mind. In 2017, after living in Nashville, Tennessee for fifty years, she uprooted her life and returned to her home state of Alabama. “New job, new city, new home, new church. It’s been a wild ride.”

Her love of books and the fact that she comes from a long line of storytellers is the reason she writes. “I can’t ever remember NOT wanting to be a writer and storyteller. I made up stories for my family before I could read and tried to write my first book when I was about seven. My mother gave in and bought me a typewriter when I was nine or ten.” It was a good investment. 

Ramona wrote her first romance at age thirteen and published her first book in 1999, a collection of devotions written for an assignment. When she was 19, she broke her ankle on a snow camping trip and turned it into a personal experience story that she sold to an adventure magazine. That experience has also shown up in a few devotions throughout the years.

Ramona’s latest non-fiction book, My Mother’s Quilts, is about the faith and skills her ancestors passed to her through her mother and more than 30 heirloom quilts.

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Her most recent book, a small-town crime novel, released this year. Murder in the Family deals with the generational traumas that can rent a family asunder and what is needed for healing to occur—all wrapped in a murder mystery.

Ramona is the associate publisher for Iron Stream Media and has been an editor for Abingdon Press, Thomas Nelson, Rutledge Hill Press, and Ideals magazine. She’s freelanced for more than a dozen other publishers and has edited more than 500 publications.

When asked what advice she would give to aspiring authors, she said, “The obvious is to persevere and just keep writing. But what can be truly helpful is joining a writers group, even online. There is NOTHING like having a supportive group to keep you going.”

Ramona has a new book coming out in 2020 and also hopes to self-publish a collection of writing advice essays. Her future plans are to write, teach, and speak more as well as see her brother whom she hasn’t seen in five years. Ireland and Scotland are also on her short list.

She invites you to connect with her on her website at or her Ramona’s Fridge Front blog and to check out her books on her Amazon Author page.

“My last two books have been about what it is we leave behind—our legacy. The bottom line is that the greatest legacy we can leave our children is how we live our lives. The faith and love that we pass on, along with the way they see us live, work, love, and play every day.” 

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