Jesus Take the Wheel

Jesus Take the Wheel

“If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.” —Psalm 139:9-10, NIV Are you a good passenger? I hate to admit it, but I can be a Nervous Nellie when someone else is...

It’s Not Dead

That tree is dead. It should be taken out. Cut down. Destroyed.  It mars the landscape. Is an unsightly distraction from the beauty that surrounds it. Then— a whisper rises in my spirit. “Oh, but you’re wrong. Its towering, leafless branches offer a resting...

Let It Be Said

Today is a gift. Its possibilities limitless. What stories will these pages tell? Where will these feet go? Let it be said that I depended on God’s boundless grace and not my finite wisdom, that I saw God’s desire for me and welcomed it, that I moved forward even when...

Unfolding Grace

This butterfly which showed signs of being torn and battered by life paused briefly to remind me … It’s still flying! Perhaps, like me, you sometimes need to be reminded that though we’re surrounded and battered by troubles, and we’re not much to look at,...

Coming Home

Whenever I see pigeons, I think of my dad. He loved to raise the racing variety. There were times when he would put several in a cage, drive a long way off and release them. Over the next day or so, he’d spend time sitting on the well house watching the sky for their...
We’ve Come a Long Way, Baby!

We’ve Come a Long Way, Baby!

My Swinger Years I’m a third-generation artist, and for an artist a camera is an indispensable tool. I purchased my first camera in high school―a Polaroid Swinger manufactured in the late ‘60s. It sold for $19.95. The Swinger developed black and white photos on the...

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