“Ruby” in Highlands, North Carolina

Thanks to all who entered my “Glamp It or Tramp It” Giveaway.

Mike and I left on our Airstream Dream Adventure, Thursday, December 5. The weather was perfect for our four-plus hour road trip to Highlands, NC. My gleeful anticipation turned to a bit of trepidation as we made the final ten mile climb on narrow, snake-like roads with hairpin turns. We were grateful our Airstream awaited us at the top of the mountain, and we weren’t pulling it.





We did pass this. Mike thought it looked like a pretty economical alternative to an Airstream.

Ruby’s shiny presence greeted us when we arrived, and we were pleased with our location at Highlands Hidden Creek RV Resort, a few blocks from downtown Highlands. While there, our hosts, Stay Sublime, were wonderful and attentive to our every need and question. Albeit tight, we found a place for all of our belongings, and we did well with the limited space.



That evening we ate around the glamp fire by the lake, and the camp food wasn’t too bad.





Day Two met us with fog and rain. We spent the morning getting acquainted with the area, browsing in shops, ate at Tugs, and spent the rest of the day in Ruby. It sounded like a war zone in our silver bullet, but she was warm and comfy.

Day Three was sunny and the temps were perfect for sightseeing. After a simple breakfast, we headed to Bridal Veil Falls and Dry Falls. Dry Falls was especially breathtaking. That evening the town resembled a fairyland. Christmas was a wonderful time to make our visit to this quaint, artsy town.





Day Four we headed home with a ton of beautiful memories. We would take nothing for our time in Highlands with Ruby. And yes, we’d do it again! But as for owning an Airstream or any camper at this stage of our lives, we are convinced that “glampers” we are not. When we left on Sunday, I left my two-year Airstream dream on the mountaintop and released my tomorrows to the One whose dreams for me are far greater than I can imagine. 

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.”Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV

Thanks to all of you who have followed our journey and who entered my “Glamp It or Tramp It” Giveaway. Facebook’s Contest for Pages has summarized the results and picked a winner. 


No, I’m not glamping it, but you’re rockin’ it! Private message me for details so you can receive your 2 GCI Outdoor Freestyle Rocker Mesh Chairs. 

Again, thanks to all who participated. Have a Merry Christmas and don’t forget to check out For the Love of Emma on Amazon. 


Dream Beyond Tomorrow, 
The verdict is in and the Glamp It or Tramp It winner is revealed. Check it out on Starr Ayers, Author! Share on X

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