Florida non-fiction author, Lauren Crews, born in Machias, Maine, grew up celebrating Passover and later worked as a receptionist at a synagogue, but she’s not Jewish.

“My parents were divorced, and my mother desperately wanted to establish holiday traditions with us, which is hard when you split holidays between parents. She knew Passover was not a holiday that would compete with my father’s schedule so we began celebrating it, something I still do with my family today.

I’ve visited Israel twice. The first time as a tourist and the second time to work on an archeological dig in Gezer for a few weeks during summer break. Both were truly life changing events.”

Lauren didn’t set out to be a writer, but as a teacher loved research and studying. After being introduced to the imagery of the Hebrew alphabet and the fact that Proverbs 31 is a Hebrew acrostic poem, her “research DNA took over.” The result? Her first book, Strength of a Woman: Why You Are Proverbs 31, which looks at the Proverbs 31 passage through the imagery of the Hebrew alphabet as an acrostic poem. Rather than being a standard it shows the Proverbs’ woman as a force of strength. 

Originally, Lauren wrote Strength of a Woman  as a Bible study, but after receiving further instruction at the Florida Christian Writer’s conference, she changed the format, secured an agent, and landed a two book contract with Ascender Books who released her book in April 2020. (Tap image to order)

Her advice for writers struggling with their first book is “Just get it out and written down but be flexible. Your final product might look quite different. It may have a different title and structure and your word choice might be questioned. You may be an experienced writer, but we always have room for growth and learning and you can be flexible without sacrificing the fundamental message you want to put out there.”

Looking forward, Lauren says, “I would love to serve as faculty at a writer’s conference. I’m a high-school teacher and an adjunct professor so I have experience putting curriculum together. Combine that with my marketing background and overcoming the challenges of launching a book during a pandemic lockdown, and I think I have something to offer others.

I’m also going to be a first-time grandma in a few months. Proof you are never to old to live a dream.”

Lauren invites you to connect with her on her website at www.laurencrews.com  and to check out her book on her Amazon Author page.


“God holds women and the work of women in high regard. The fact God included a heroic poem about the various aspects of a woman’s life can be received with encouragement. Women, wives, and mothers are on the front lines and are vital when it comes to nurturing the next generation of His family, the future generation of believers. My hope is that you can lay aside any hindrances you have in embracing the life of the Proverbs 31 Woman and be strengthened and encouraged from Hebraic insight that celebrates your worth, value and strength as a woman.” —Strength of a Woman: Why You Are Proverbs 31



This week’s author attended a writer’s conference hoping to receive confirmation that she’d not wasted a year of her life writing her book. Check out today’s Author Snapshot and meet, Lauren Crews, first place overall nonfiction conference winner. Share on X

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