Tennessee Speculative fiction author, Bryan Davis, thought he would inspire his children to write by collecting their ideas and putting them together in story format. His efforts clearly succeeded in igniting a passion to write—in him.

The novel he wrote with his children took eight months to complete. Although it was never published, it paved the way for him to become a successful YA author. He spent the next eight years learning the craft and enduring more than 200 rejections from publishers and agents, before he broke through with his best-selling Dragons in our Midst.

Today, he’s the author of nine young adult fantasy series’ and has numerous stand-alone books in a variety of genres, including theology, fiction, devotionals, poetry, and humor.

His latest work, released by Mountain Brook Ink in January 2020, takes place in 1860 Paris. Let the Ghosts Speak is a blend of historical fiction, suspense thriller, and murder mystery. Justin Trotter is accused of murder, and in the process of trying to clear his name, he meets the ghosts of martyrs and their childlike students—ghosts who were once persecutors. The ghosts both help and hinder Justin in his pursuit to find Justice. (Tap image to order.)

When asked what advice he would give a writer who is struggling with their first book, Bryan said, “Have a goal for your main character that is something you are passionate about, an urgent goal that makes you excited to get up and write the character toward that goal.”

Bryan’s a full-time author who’s never tasted coffee. (Is that even possible?) He hopes “to continue writing for as many years as God grants me. I would like to see Let the Ghosts Speak become a bestseller. The idea came to me in a dream and nagged at me for twelve years until I felt that I was finally ready to write it. I think it’s my best work to date.”

He invites you to connect with him on his website at http://www.daviscrossing.com/ and to check out his books on his Amazon Author page.


“Speak the truth. Live the truth. Be the truth. Never let the faithless ones change any of those three principles. Remember that you are an Oracle of Fire, as is every faithful follower of our Lord. For all true disciples possess the pure silver, purged of all dross, and the fire of God’s love burns within an everlasting flame that others, even those who give lip service to the truth, will never comprehend until you are able to pass along that fire from heart to heart.” —“The Bones of Makaidos,” Oracles of Fire Series, Book 4




This week’s author has demonstrated a passion for the written word from the time he taught himself how to read before school age. Check out today’s Author Snapshot and meet Bryan Davis. Share on X

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