North Carolina Christian Living and Bible Study author, Debbie Wilson didn’t set out to write a book, but her training combined with her desire to encourage women to give themselves a break and live grace-filled lives opened the doors to do exactly that.
A native of Savannah, Georgia, she’s lived on both the East and West Coasts as well as in the Midwest. Her ministry assignments have planted her in various states, especially in her earlier adult years.
As a Christian counselor, life coach, and Bible teacher who’s taught for decades, Debbie says, “People would ask me for my notes or to write down what I said. In working with women in ministry and in Christian counseling, I found myself covering similar topics with them. I wanted to write a book that addressed the issues I saw women struggling with.”
Her first book covers topics she’s spoken about for years. When she saw how long the traditional publishing process would take, she self-published it. Give Yourself a Break was released in 2014. Her second book, Little Women, Big God, was released by Leafwood Publishers in 2016, and her latest book, Little Faith, Big God, released in February of this year.
“A thriving relationship with God is not built on our perfect performance but on our trust in a gracious Savior. The people commended for their faith in Hebrews 11 showcase God’s grace to imperfect believers and what biblical faith looks like in everyday life. They show us how to live strong and finish well.” (Tap image to order)
When asked for her advice for writers struggling with their first book, she said, “Write to one person, be it your younger self, someone you know, an avatar, or your ideal reader. When you write to them directly your message will become clear and focused.”
Looking ahead, Debbie hopes to finish another book about biblical people. “I hope to finish this year, and I want to train more women on how to lead Bible studies. I believe we learn so much when we step out to facilitate and lead groups. Watching video teaching can be good, but I feel there are many women in the body of Christ who would enjoy and grow from using their gifts to teach and lead.”
She and her husband Larry founded Lighthouse Ministries, a nonprofit counseling, coaching, and Bible study ministry which they run together. Debbie’s also an AWSA (Advanced Writers and Speakers Association) certified speaking and writing coach. She enjoys a good mystery, dark chocolate, and the antics of her two standard poodles.
Debbie invites you to connect with her and refresh your faith with free resources at and to check out her books on her Amazon Author page.
“Impossible problems are no problem for a big God.”
This week’s author encourages women to give themselves a break. Check out today’s Author Snapshot and meet Debbie W Wilson #AuthorSnapshot #LittleFaithBigGod #amwriting Share on X A thriving relationship with God is not built on our perfect performance but on our trust in a gracious Savior. Share on X

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Debbie is a true inspiration. “Little Faith, Big God” is a wonderful book.
Loved getting to know Debbie better. And I so agree with her thoughts about encouraging and equipping women in the the church to lead and teach Bible studies, using their God-given gifts.
I enjoyed getting to know Debbie better, and I am delighted to see her hometown is one of my favorite cities. Thank you for sharing encouragement and writing advice.
Thanks for reading, Jeannie, and for your encouraging comments. I’ve enjoyed the brief interactions I’ve had with Debbie at conferences. Love our writer family. 😍