Texas author, Linda Goldfarb, is an international speaker, a board certified life coach, and personality consultant who believes understanding personalities is key to growing successful life connections with others.
Born in Altoona, PA to a military family who relocated three months after her birth, her first sixteen years were characterized by multiple moves. As an adult she saw fit to adjust that pattern. For the last thirty-five-plus years, her roots have been firmly planted in San Antonio, Texas. Today, she and her husband Sam “are happy and hope-filled empty nesters—ready for a new adventure.”
Linda’s road to authorship didn’t take the traditional route of penning words on paper—she talked her way there. She not only talked the talk, she walked the walk to build a loyal fanbase. After fifteen years of speaking, the encouragement to put her words in print came from her faithful listening audience. “I had a fulfilling radio program which ran for ten-years. During that stretch of time, I began writing for a local newspaper. “Not Just Talkin’ the Talk” was the title of my radio program and my column. I also wrote a weekly article for the Christian Beacon for four years.” Today, Linda writes non-fiction books, bible studies, children’s books, and has ventured into YA fiction and fantasy.
“I wrote my first Bible study, Loving the ME God Sees, over thirteen weeks with the amazing support of God-selected people who met each week to experience the study. I taught the 10-week study on relational transparency for women, based on the book of James, for three years in my church. During that time, I revised the material and submitted a proposal to a publisher. It was published in 2014.”
Since then, Linda has coauthored, LINKED Quick Guide to Personalities: Maximizing Life Connections One Link at a Time, with gifted author and friend, Linda Gilden, and a series was born. LINKED for Educators: Maximizing Classroom Connections followed, and in May 2019, their third book, LINKED for Parents: Maximizing Family Connections, was released. A fourth book, LINKED for Couples, is scheduled to release later this year.
”LINKED for Parents: Maximizing Family Connections has opened many doors into schools and communities where I am honored to offer, ‘Discover Who’s Living Under Your Roof!’ Families are gaining freedom to be who God designed them to be as individuals without doubt, guilt, shame, or fear of not fitting in.”
Linda shares that after a ten-year hiatus from her ten-year run as a talk-radio personality, she’s getting back in the on-air saddle with a personal podcast. “Staying Real—about Faith, Family, and Freedom,” is slated to debut in March 2020. “I’m also beginning an exciting adventure with the Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writer’s Conference as their Digital Communications Coordinator—big fun!”
Linda’s followers might be surprised to learn she loves “being quiet.” Her dominant personality is the get-er-done “Mobilizer” and as much as she enjoys speaking, coaching, and engaging with others, she loves time alone, “sipping on frothed coffee while reading a book—or two.” Always an outdoorsy gal, she enjoys hunting, fishing, and hiking and holds a Texas title in high-power rifle shooting.
When asked for her advice for aspiring authors, Linda said, “Never stop, even if you write sporadically, keep on writing, join a writer’s group, and ‘hire’ a coach—when you’re ready to invest in your craft, you’re ready to write-for-real.”
Linda invites you to connect with her on her website at www.livepowerfullynow.org and to check out her books on her Amazon Author page.
“Transparency Transforms!”

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