In grade one, Indiana’s multiple award-winning author, Michelle Medlock Adams, accepted her first writing award. The day she entered a poetry contest in Mrs. True’s first-grade class was the day she became a writer. 

While her classmates wrote about their parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, she carefully crafted the words to “I Love Penny”—a poem about her “best friend in the whole world”—her 7-year-old wiener dog. “Okay, so I wasn’t exactly a first grade Dr. Seuss, but my poem was good enough to earn first prize.”

And her prize? Her poem displayed in the front of the room for all to see, the honor of going first in the lunch line that afternoon, and a few “sparkly” pencils. (Who knew Mrs. True was prophetic too? 😳 How’s that for rhyming, Michelle?)  

“I stared at my winning poem all afternoon, and in my mind, I was already coming up with a follow-up rhyme. I wanted to write all the time, and so I did. I wrote during recess while other kids played tag and climbed on the monkey bars. I completely fell in love with words.”

In the fifth grade, Michelle wrote a play. “My teacher really loved it so she let me cast it with several of my classmates and perform it in front of the whole school! I remember thinking, This is what I want to do the rest of my life…I want to write. I want to tell stories. I want to make people happy. I’ve been trying ever since.”

With a degree in journalism, she started a career in the newspaper industry while writing children’s stories for her little ones at home. Later, she set her eyes on publication. In the fall of 1999, her life changed when she went to The Glorieta Christian Writers Conference in New Mexico and sold her first two children’s books—Sister for Sale and Why I Love You, God. Favoring nonfiction over fiction, she writes for children and women, and ghostwrites for ministers, celebrities, politicians, and business people.

Over the past six weeks, Michelle has had two books released—Platinum Faith (Abingdon Press) and They Call Me Mom (Kregel)—both co-written with Bethany Jett. In 2020, they will release a Bible study to accompany it. You can learn about their two books at

The tag line for They Call Me Mom is Real. Raw. Resourceful. “We wanted our book to be encouraging spiritually and also very practical.” Its 52 devotions, one per week, are a mix of the hilarious as well as quite serious and emotional.” (Tap images to order.)

Michelle’s advice for aspiring writers is “Don’t give up! Spend that BIC (Butt In Chair) time every day and start with prayer, thanking God for blessing the work of your hands. Remember, if He called you, He will equip you. Also, attend writers’ conferences where you can meet with editors and publishers face to face and pitch your work.”

Twenty-twenty promises to be a big year for Michelle. Already a Gigi of three, she and her husband look forward to the birth of a fourth grandchild in May. Although nothing will surpass this little boy’s debut, she has a few debuts of her own next year. Four, possibly five, books will be released. She also hopes to finish a children’s book she’s been toying with for a couple of years.

“I had to wait on God’s timing, and I think 2020 might just be that window. I don’t take it for granted that I am still in the game, so to speak. I am grateful for every publishing opportunity that comes my way. And, I am so thankful for my agent Cyle Young and my business partner, coauthor and bestie in the business Bethany Jett. I love doing life with them and their families.”

Michelle invites you to connect with her at and to check out her books on her Amazon Author page.


“Santa Claus and Christmas trees and presents are okay. 
But Jesus is the REAL reason we have a Christmas Day!” —What Is Christmas? 

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Starr Ayers, Author