Southern-fried women’s fiction author, Ane Mulligan says, “Southern women are some of the strongest women I know.” Although born in Inglewood, California, she’s now joined the ranks of those strong women by making her home in Sugar Hill, Georgia, the location of her fictional Sugar Hill series.

Under the tutelage of her mother, who was an avid reader, she learned to read at an early age. “I loved escaping to worlds otherwise unknown to me. I didn’t know I wanted to be a writer, but I loved to tell stories. I often got in trouble at school for telling them. They called it lying. I learned not to tell them at school, but I would play out my stories with my dolls, sometimes taking weeks to complete the current one.”

Currently, Ane is the author of ten books and has contributed to two anthologies. Her first book took her close to a year to write. “It now lives in cyber-banishment, but it was a great education.” When asked what advice she would give to someone struggling to write their first book, she said, “Relax and enjoy the journey. If God has called you to write, He will continue that work in you until you accomplish His goal for you.”

As the manager of a Community Theatre troupe, she’s found creating fictional characters as a writer has given her great insight into characterization, and it’s something she passes along to the actors she directs. “I love it. It’s the yin to writing’s yang (or something like that). It’s the completion of that circle. 

Ane has recently come full circle in another area of her life. Adopted as a baby, she’d always wanted a sister. In 2009, her wish was fulfilled—times five. She invites you to read of this inspiring reunion with her five birth sisters on her  Southern-fried Fiction  website.

As for the future, she hopes to continue writing fiction and remain involved with live theatre. The first book of her new series, In High Cottonwill release in August 2020.  You can check out her books on her Amazon Author page and connect with her on her website at 


“Sadie always says Southern women may look as delicate as flowers, but there’s iron in their veins.” —In High Cotton


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Starr Ayers, Author