Edwina Perkins, an award-winning writer, experienced teacher, speaker, and free-lance editor, was born in Eden, NC and now resides in Orlando, FL. She writes fiction and non-fiction.

Her writing career started in the third grade when she had to stay home from school due to a fever. In her boredom, she asked her dad what she should do.

“Write a poem,” he said. 

And so she did.

Edwina wrote poems and short stories throughout her school years. After graduating college, she worked as a missionary, married, and started a family. Toward the end of nineteen years of homeschooling their four children, her desire to write returned. Not only did she fine tune her craft, she fell in love with editing and worked as a content editor with Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas (LPC). In the spring of 2018, they appointed her as Managing Editor for Harambee Press (HP), its new ethnic voices imprint. 

“I am excited to spearhead this effort of bringing more ethnic voices into print. We are looking for writers who want to express the diversity of their culture and who have stories and life lessons for or about people of color.For more information visit: Harambee Press Submissions.

She served on the Word Weavers Orlando Leadership Team for over ten years—two of those as president—and now is a part of the Word Weavers International Advisory Committee. 

This fall, she will attend a weeklong writing workshop in Long Island, NY. Out of thousands of submissions, she was selected along with eleven other winners. She is a winner of the Guidepost Writers Workshop Contest.

“If my high school teacher could see me now.” She laughs. “I was the one in the class the teacher said should always carry a dictionary. One day, I’ll hold a printed copy of my manuscript, and as a managing editor, I dream of holding many books by ethnic writers.”

Edwina is a lover of quotes, and when given the difficult task of finding one, she chose one by Paul Washer. I have given Christ countless reasons not to love me. None of them changed his mind.” 



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