TODAY IS THE DAY! We are moments away from the birth of Emma’s Quest. At some point today the print version of my sequel to For the Love of Emma will go live on Amazon! The Kindle version releases, April 5th. WATCH FOR BOTH!
The process of writing Emma’s Quest has been more of a solitary journey than when I wrote For the Love of Emma. Although a less crowded path is evidence of my growth as a writer, I’m aware no book is birthed in a vacuum. A story’s successful passage from the writer’s heart to the reader’s hands depends on those who guide its development and the readers who adopt it. I’m grateful to my publisher, Mountain Brook Ink, for taking a chance on an unknown writer and for the encouragement and excellent guidance Miralee Ferrell and her team have given me.
Thank you, dear readers, for your kind words and support throughout the development of my Dream Beyond Tomorrow series. The series is a work of fiction based on facts found in letters to my mother, her own journal entries, and from what I know of my parents’ lives. I’m confident Noah, the young soldier, who penned letters to my mother in 1938, never dreamed that after eighty years, he’d win my heart and yours too — as well as launch a two-book historical fiction series.
I find it nothing short of a miracle that words hidden in a trunk or lying dormant beneath the soil of the recipient’s heart can spring to life generations later. Our life stories don’t always end where we think. God, the Author and the Finisher of our days, may put a comma where we’ve placed a period. Don’t box Him in. Leave room for Him to do the miraculous. His ways are higher than ours, and He “is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine.”
Everyone may have a story, but the author’s labor bears little fruit without readers. I send a huge thank you to all who’ve read one or both books in my series. If you’ve placed a review on Amazon, Goodreads, BookBub, Barnes & Noble, etc. or have shared on social media, I’m ever grateful. Reviews are golden. Your personal endorsements breathe life into books. There is no better gift a reader can give an author.
As I typed ‘The End’ to my Dream Beyond Tomorrow series, tears welled in my eyes, and I found it hard to let go. I’ll miss eavesdropping on Emma Rose’s world and the men who vied for her affection. Perhaps one day, I’ll run my fingers over the spines of countless books on the shelf, pull For the Love of Emma and Emma’s Quest, and immerse myself in Emma’s story once more—maybe you will too.
In the meantime, I’d love to hear from you. You may contact me here on my website or through my social media pages. If you haven’t subscribed to my newsletter for future blog posts and book updates, I hope you will. AND . . .
To celebrate today’s release, I have a special gift for my blog subscribers. To access a FREE PDF download of my NEW SHORT STORY, THE RETURN — the epilogue to my Dream Beyond Tomorrow series, simply scroll to the bottom of this post and leave your email address in the subscription link.
When Tucker Baldwin’s Hospice nurse surprises him with a drive out to see the house he’d lived in for forty-three years, he not only recovers a cherished possession, he encounters a young couple who turn his short visit into a journey into his past.
Thank you for subscribing. I hope you enjoy!
I always welcome your feedback in the comment section below.
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21, NIV).
In Emma’s Quest, Tucker ends his letters to Emma with an endearing sentiment. I’ll use it here to express my heartfelt appreciation for you.
Friends love at all times, and THIS is one of those times,

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Subscribed thank you Starr Ayers.
My copy has arrived…
I’m so excited my copy will arrive soon!
Thank you. I share in your excitement and appreciate your support. Blessings.
Congratulations Starr! I love your stories.
Thank you so much. I’m happy you do. Blessings, sweet friend!
Can’t wait to receive and start reading “Emma’s Quest” Ms. Starr. So many questions to be answered about the twists and turns of her life. She’s real in my heart and mind you know.
Sweet! She’s real in mine too. I hope you enjoy the journey through. Blessings, kind friend!
Dear Starr, Thank you for the free PDF of The Return. I enjoyed reading it and look forward to getting a copy of Emma’s Quest.
Your stories are so good and I feel like I’m there experiencing everything with her.
Thank you again for sharing your wonderful talents with all of us.
God bless you ,
Wilma Mollman
Thank you so much, Wilma. You are kind and encouraging. I’m so happy you’ve enjoyed Emma’s story. Blessings!